Can I lose weight with boxing?

Absolutely it can! In fact any activity that needs you to physically move your body can eventually help you lose weight. Especially for boxing, every movement you are required to move your body that includes your feet. You are probably thinking works only on your arms and the rest of your upper body. Well this is half the fact. The power from a punch comes from the foot and hip. If you don’t already know when you learn how to box, you constantly move front, back, left and right.

Boxing unlike other sports, it requires your body to use both anaerobic and aerobic energy system. This is what each of both system means anaerobic is a process of energy production in the body absence of freely available oxygen while aerobic is a simply your body produce energy in presence of oxygen.

It burns about 300- 800calories’ per hour you box, it’s more if you start sparring and competing.

You are what you absorb

Not exactly what you eat. You heard it right and I agree there is way too many nutritional guideline that makes you so confused these days. I have been a personal trainer for 4years, a fitness enthusiast for 5 years, diet is small part of the losing weight process. Our body is so complex, I won’t get into science of it. My conclusion on nutrition based on coaching clients to lose weight is what your body actually CAN absorb.

Everyone hates tracking food calories’ because they “think” its time-consuming. There is a simpler ways, make a note on your phone or anywhere you can see of what you eat each day for 7 days straight without changing anything yet. You will be surprised by how much those small “snacking” you consume per day.

Change one meal to a healthier option, would be best if it is home cooked meal then increase to another 2 meals for another week. Now this is what “healthier” means? Fresh vegetables, protein, fruits and good fat. Another important thing > WATER ! Increase more of your water intake. That is it! Do this for 30days. You don’t exactly “eat less” in weight loss.

Depending on your history of diet and may have fail before. You might have to consider tracking your calories’ using an app, try myfitnesspal or TDEE calculator for exact calories’ intake your body need daily. Your sleep matters too! Waking up at 3am to pee and trying hard to get back to sleep is not a quality sleep. You might be dealing with more underlying issues other than simply eating healthier.

Consider what your age, female or male, your history of eating habits and how you feel after a specific food or meal, daily activity that you do every single day, quality of your sleep, your energy level throughout the day, sex drive. (Yup sex drive is a sign about your hormones too!)

Set a goal for 30days for losing weight with my guideline and combined it with learning how to box. I dare you on this! Trust me, You will be able to see great results, your energy level sky rocket
throughout the day so you have the energy to do anything else that day.

TIPS: if you are planning to head for boxing class or simply doing jump rope, I highly recommend eating something light like any fruit 30-60 min before. ( yes even if you are trying to lose weight!). Boxing demands a high level energy, you want to make sure you feel powerful while at it! Let me know how it is for you after try it this way.


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